ASCVD Risk in athenaOne

      ASCVD Risk in athenaOne

        Article summary

        [Keywords: cardiovascular]

        The athenaOne EMR can compute a patient's 10-year and lifetime ASCVD risk for you in many cases.  Add the "cardiovascular risk" Care Episode (from the bottom of the Problem list), and click the Flowsheet icon on the right side of it. It doesn’t always work - the reasons it might fail are at the bottom of the Details section below.


        If a patient has recent data, including things like BP, weight, lipids and tobacco status, athenaOne can compute the ASCVD risk scores for you.  Here's how:

        1. Scroll to the bottom of the Problem List and look for “Care Episodes and Tracking”:

        2. If the “cardiovascular risk” care episode is not already there, click the (+) sign to add it:

          3. Now click the flowsheet icon (the jaggy line):

        1. The care episode opens to the right. If the necessary data is present, the 10-year and lifetime ASCVD scores appear at the top:

        2. If the score is not calculated, here is why:

          ASCVD risk scores are calculated only for patients between the ages of 40 and 79 with values for systolic blood pressure, HDL, and Total Cholesterol where systolic is between 90 and 200, HDL is between 20-100, and total cholesterol is between 130 and 320.

          The ASCVD Risk Estimator appears only when all the required inputs are present in the patient chart: age, sex, race, smoking status, HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and systolic blood pressure. If the patient chart includes information for diabetes status or hypertension treatment, this information is also used for the calculation.

          Note that it also fails if the data is too old (not sure how old that is, athena doesn’t say).

        3. If you want to force a manual calculation, the link is there in athena. Just click on the block of result text at the top of the cardiovascular risk screen. You will see the risk scores in a