Other Guidelines

      Other Guidelines

        Article summary

        Other Clinical Guidelines

        AAFP Medical Clearance for Common Dental/Oral Procedures

        Bariatric medication guide

        Center for Disease Control (CDC) [ARCHIVE COPY]

        To use the CDC archive, you must either know the exact URL that you want to access, or click on the dropdown list in the upper left corner of the archive page:

        If you know the exact URL that you want to access, you can place the following text in front of that URL to access the CDC Web Archive:


        For example, if you wanted to the archive CDC vaccines and immunization main website, which was stored here: “https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/“ you would want to use this URL:


        Cholesterol Guidelines (NIH)

        Pfenninger and Fowler's Procedures for Primary Care

        (Login as username lawrencefmr4@gmail.com and password Residency4)

        IBD Health Maintenance

        National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute (NHLBI)

        National Institute of Health

        Tips for Good Skin (Dr. Reynolds, Dermatology) - Eng & Sp

        Other Practice Management Guidelines

        Anticoagulation Clinic Protocol (GLFHC)

        Growth and Nutrition Program (GLFHC)

        Pneumococcal Vaccine Timing

        2021 E&M coding grid (AMA)