Diagnostic Mammography and Ultrasounds at LGH

      Diagnostic Mammography and Ultrasounds at LGH

        Article summary

        Ordering Diagnostic Mammography and Ultrasounds from Lawrence General Hospital, for Abnormal Breast Findings

        What LGH Requires:

        • LGH requires a Diagnostic Mammogram and Ultrasound on the breast that has the abnormal symptoms, physical exam findings, or abnormal screening mammogram.
        • LGH requires a Diagnostic Mammogram (NOT a screening mammogram) on the other side IF the patient is due for screening (such as no prior screening mammogram in last 12 months).

        What to order:

        • Order Sets exist for both scenarios:
          • If the patient HAShad a screening mammogram in past 12 months, use the following order (for UNILATERAL diagnostic mammo and UNILATERAL ultrasound):
            • MAMMO, diagnostic + US, unilateral

                   (pt HAS had screening in past 12 mos)
                      MAMMO, diagnostic, digital, bilateral

          • If patient HAS NOThad a screening mammogram in the last 12 months, order the following (for BILATERAL diagnostic mammo and UNILATERAL ultrasound):
            • MAMMO, diagnostic + US, unilateral

                   (pt HAS NOT had screening in past 12 mos)
                      MAMMO, diagnostic, digital,

        Please follow these guidelines, even if they seem strange or look redundant.  Look for the words "HAS" or "HAS NOT" (had screening in the past 12 months) and let that be your guide.  If you order these studies any other way, they may be rejected or require clarification, and delay care!