Sending Documents to a Patient

      Sending Documents to a Patient

        Article summary

        [Keywords: labs results information]


        You can use a Letter with Attachments to send a collection of chart documents to a patient, via mail or the patient portal.  The best letter to use is called "Documents for Patient".


        1. This can be done from within an Encounter, or by creating an Order Group:
          1. Encounter: Click "+" next to "Letters" at the bottom of the Sign-off screen
          2. Order Group: Create an Order Group from the "hamburger" menu in the upper right of the chart.  Click "+" next to "Letters" at the bottom.
        2. Search for the letter called "Documents for Patient":

        3. Click in the "To" field and pick the patient as the recipient, and click "Add":

        4.  Click "View or Edit" on the right of the letter, then click the "+" for Attachments:

        5. Pick the attachments you want from the various categories.  

        6.  Edit the letter and Approve in the Actions as usual:
          1. Use Approve - "Notify by Staff" to have it printed and mailed by HIM (and sent to the portal)
          2. Use Approve - "Close and Email Patient" to send only to the portal

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