Finding missing Athena encounters
Visits (encounters) are missing from the Visits tab, or collapsed with "VIEW ALL":
1. Make sure the Visits are "Arranged by Date", not "Arranged by Specialty" (Red circle)
If Visits are "Arranged by Specialty", any Pediatric, IM, Nutrition etc. visits will sort to the bottom, separate from Family Medicine visits. They can easily be missed! This also causes a group with many encounters in it to "collapse" with "VIEW ALL" to see the rest. Change "Arrange by" to "Date", all this resolves, and it sticks.
2. Make sure you pick "SHOW: Encounters", or "SHOW: All Events" - not just Cases or Order Groups (Blue circle)
Sometimes you may want to change the filter to see just Cases, or just Order Groups - but the setting sticks! If Visits (Encounters) are not visible, check this setting.