Pediatrics and Neonatal

      Pediatrics and Neonatal

        Article summary

        Pediatric Bilirubin / Hyperbilirubinemia

        AAP Hyperbilirubinemia Clinical Practice Guideline

        BiliTool calculator

        Pediatric General

        Child Care and Family Resources (GLFHC) - English

        Child Care and Family Resources (GLFHC) - Spanish

        Preparing for your baby checklist (LGH) - English

        Preparing for your baby checklist (LGH) - Spanish

        Small moments big impact - Parenting videos for providers

        Small moments big impact - Parenting videos for parents

        Pediatric Lead Exposure and Lead Poisoning

        GLFHC Guidelines for Elevated Lead

        CDC Clinician - Childhood Lead Sources

        CDC Clinician - Discussing children’s blood lead levels

        For patients 5 things you can do to reduce lead (English)

        For patients 5 things you can do to reduce lead (Spanish)

        CDC Web Site References

        CDC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention [ARCHIVED COPY]

        CDC Lead Exposure Symptoms and Complications [ARCHIVED COPY]

        CDC Testing for Lead Poisoning in Children [ARCHIVED COPY]

        CDC Recommended Actions Based on Blood Lead Level [ARCHIVED COPY]

        Pediatric Nutrition and Healthy Eating

        ChopChop Family - healthy recipes for kids (English, Spanish)

        USDA Exempt Infant Formulas Marketed in the US

        USDA Feeding Infants and Meal Patterns Requirements

        USDA Feeding Your Baby in The First Year (English, Spanish)

        USDA For Parents: Is Your Baby Ready for Solid Foods? [Eng]

        USDA For Parents: Is Your Baby Ready for Solid Foods? [Sp]

        USDA For Parents: Breastfeeding? Tell Us About Your Breastfed Baby! [Eng]

        USDA For Parents: Breastfeeding? Tell Us About Your Breastfed Baby! [Sp]

        USDA For Parents: Feeding Your Baby Infant Formula? Tell Us More! [Eng]

        USDA For Parents: Feeding Your Baby Infant Formula? Tell Us More! [Eng]

        USDA For Parents: What Is Your Baby Eating? Let Us Know! [Eng]

        USDA For Parents: What Is Your Baby Eating? Let Us Know! [Sp]

        USDA For Parents: Making Sure Your Baby Gets Enough Iron [Eng]

        USDA For Parents: Making Sure Your Baby Gets Enough Iron [Sp]

        USDA For Parents: Varying Your Baby’s Veggies [Eng]

        USDA For Parents: Varying Your Baby’s Veggies [Eng]