Telehealth No-Shows

      Telehealth No-Shows

        Article summary

        Keywords: [tele health no show delete encounter]

        When a patient no-shows for a telehealth appointment, delete the encounter.  Go to the Sign-off screen in the encounter, scroll to the bottom and click the "Delete Encounter" button.

        The GLFHC model for triaging and checking out telehealth visits is not yet perfect, or even complete.  But the minimum responsibility of the clinician, especially when working from home or not working closely with an MA, is to make sure the encounter is deleted.  This will remove it from your Inbox.  Other staff will handle cancelling the appointment from your schedule.

        1.    Open the encounter from your schedule

        2.    Go to the "Sign-off" stage of the visit (the one at the end, with the Billing tab on it).

        3.    Scroll to the bottom and find the "Delete Encounter" button.  Click it!

        4.    Zoom or tell your MA to delete the appointment.